About Us

How Sunlife Physiotherapy has Become The Most Trusted Institution for Therapy Over Times

Welcome to Sunlife Physiotherapy, where healing is our mission and your well-being is our priority. With over 12 years of expertise in physiotherapy, we stand as a pillar of hope in our community.

Our mission at Sunlife Physiotherapy is simple yet profound – to empower individuals on their journey to optimal health through personalized and comprehensive physiotherapy care. This commitment to excellence ensures you receive the highest standard of care tailored to your unique needs.

At the heart of our approach lies a profound understanding that each individual is unique, and so are their healing needs. We offer personalized supportive care and treatment plans tailored to address your specific concerns, whether you’re recovering from an injury, managing chronic pain, or seeking to enhance your physical performance.

Words From Happy Clients

Hear from hundreds of patients who have received support and care

Dr. Komala Sai Javangala

Your Trusted Physiotherapist , Sunlife Physiotherapy

With over 13 years of dedicated experience in the field of physiotherapy, Dr. Komala Sai Javangala is committed to providing personalized care and effective treatments to help you achieve optimal health and wellness.

Experience and Expertise

Dr. Komala Sai Javangala has successfully treated over 5000 patients, utilizing her extensive knowledge and expertise to address a wide range of musculoskeletal issues and injuries. With a passion for continuous learning and professional development, she stays up-to-date with the latest advancements in physiotherapy techniques and technology.

Frequently Asked Questions From Patients

How To Enroll In All Therapy Session At Once?
If you personally feel the urge to enroll in all therapy sessions then you can do that easily by subscribing to our complete session. But before that, make a doctor’s appointment and consult with him.
How To Subscribe For Monthly Online Sessions?
If you personally feel the urge to enroll in all therapy sessions then you can do that easily by subscribing to our complete session. But before that, make a doctor’s appointment and consult with him.
After getting operated how to do rehabilitation for knee ?

Generally after assessing the patient we give customised tailored sessions for each individual based on their diagnosis or condition.

How can I get back early to my sports after surgery?

Rehabilitation after surgery in hospital and home together is 3-6 months.After 9months of ACL RECONSTRUCTION Surgery IN KNEE patient after attending rehab sessions and attaining fitness to play can get back to sports.

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